“Criticality Safety – pushing boundaries by modernizing and integrating data, methods, and regulations”

Organized by:

ANS Nuclear Criticality Safety Division (http://ncsd.ans.org)
American Nuclear Society (http://www.ans.org)

Proud Sponsors:

Honorary Chair: Todd Shrader (DOE)

General Chair: Jef Lucchini (LANL) 


Technical Program Chair: Sedat Goluoglu (University of Florida)

Assistant Technical Program Chair: Kevin Reynolds (DOE) 

Experiments/Benchmarks Track Lead: John Bess (INL)

Spent Nuclear Fuel Track Lead: Kaushik Banerjee (ORNL)

Federal Track Lead: Larry Berg (DOE)

Education/Training/Qualifications Track Lead: Doug Bowen (ORNL)


Finance: Jeremy Creen (NWP)

Publications: Bill Weston (RES) and Russell Hardy (NMSU)

Arrangements: Mindy Toothman (LANL), Robert Watson (NWP), and Norbert Rempe (retired)

Sponsorship: Jef Lucchini (LANL)

Tutorials: Sedat Goluoglu (University of Florida) and Yongliang Xiong (SNL)

Student Program: Anderson Ward (DOE)

Tours and Events: Jonathan Icenhower (SNL)

Registration: Christopher Chancellor (LANL)

Website: Hugo Castillo (NMSU)


Contact Us

Jef Lucchini (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Sedat Goluoglu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)