“Criticality Safety – pushing boundaries by modernizing and integrating data, methods, and regulations”

Organized by:

ANS Nuclear Criticality Safety Division (http://ncsd.ans.org)
American Nuclear Society (http://www.ans.org)

Proud Sponsors:

Proud Sponsors

Uranium Sponsor

Thorium Sponsor

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Enhance your visibility at the 2017 NCSD Topical meeting by becoming a sponsor or an exhibitor! The Exhibitor and Sponsorship opportunities have been simplified (no sponsorships of banquets, luncheons or coffee breaks anymore) and extended to August 10! Don't miss it! All sponsors are recognized on the ANS website. All sponsors will also be acknowledged in the Preliminary and Official Programs, at the Opening Plenary, and on signage displayed throughout the meeting. Please prepare and send your Sponsorship/Exhibitor package by August 10. 2017!

Download the brochure here!